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Patterson Buy Here Pay Here In Longview Tx

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Vega had been a contestant in the internationally popular Handson a Hardbody contest at Patterson Nissan in Longview when hekilled himself Thursday morning after leaving the contest on itsthird day. The 24-year-old left the contest just before 6 a.m.Thursday when he politely excused himself and walked away justbefore a 15-minute break, a witness said. He went directly to aKmart across the street, threw a trash can through a window andrushed into the store. "I saw the big trash can go in. He chunkedit through the glass and he went right after it," said Dru Laborde,a program director for KYKX radio and a media participant in thecontest. "It was the most surreal thing I've ever seen in my life.In my wildest dreams, I wouldn't have guessed something like thiswould have ever happened." Police were called at 5:59 a.m. Whenthey arrived, they saw Vega walking toward the front of the store.He grabbed the weapon from the store's gun case and broke into abox of ammunition, too. Lying beside his body were two of thebullets and the third one he dropped as he was heading toward thefront doors. He said he wasn't sure what had been said and thatSgt. Bill Howell and officer Tommy Tatum arrived at the scene at 6p.m. and witnessed Vega kill himself. Tom Crawley, publicinformation officer for Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms andExplosives in Dallas, said retailers are required to secure guns,but federal law doesn't instruct stores of how guns should bestored. It was not known Thursday how Kmart secures its guns.Patterson Nissan issued a statement: "This has been a tragic eventfor Ricky Vega and his family, along with the other contestants andeveryone at Patterson Nissan. Mr. Vega's family is in our thoughtsand prayers," it said. "The future of the Hands on a Hardbodycontest has not been determined at this time." The writtenstatement also said it would not have been appropriate to continuethe contest and it was canceled out of respect for the family. Forthe first time last year, the 12-year-old endurance competition wasbroadcast in Tokyo. Dai Kato, a Japanese TV celebrity and Takashi"Ralph" Suzuki, a Newscaster, were media contestants allowed toparticipate in the contest for publicity but not for prizes. TheBBC, an internationally known media outlet based in the UnitedKingdom, was filming the contest and had interviewed Vega. MaryFlores, a cousin of Vega's wife, said Vega "had no reason to dothis at all." "Everything in his life was going good. Everything,"said Flores, who was gathered with other family members outside theKmart in central Longview. Vega had said he wanted to win the truckfor his wife, Chalala. The couple had two children, Riche, 5, andMariha, 7, who is Vega's stepdaughter. "I won't let you down. I'mgoing to win this for you," Flores said Vega told his wife he wouldwin the grand prize Nissan truck for her. "He was motivated andfeeling good about everything," she said. "Everything was goinggood for him and her." Vega served time in jail in 2003 afterpleading guilty to assault/family violence. He lived in Tyler andworked for FedEx and Ranger Metal. Officials at both companiesdeclined to comment. Laborde said he had arrived at the contest at5:30 a.m. Thursday and spoke with Vega. "He was fine," Labordesaid, adding that Vega had said he was in the contest for the longhaul. "'I'm here until Monday. Everything is fine. No problems'" hetold Laborde said. Laborde said he had bonded with Vega, who lovedcountry music and had a large tattoo on his arm of praying hands.The tattoo was a tribute to his father, who committed suicide byhanging himself some years ago, family members said. "I never sawany indication that something like this would happen," Labordesaid. He and others there saw Vega walk away, but it didn't seemusual, Laborde said, because people walk away all the time. "Thisis a good contest. Nobody would ever have seen this coming." Vegawas standing at the tail end of the Nissan truck on the driver'sside and Laborde was standing behind him with his hand on thecamper. Laborde saw Vega walk pass him and he said "excuse me" toanother contestant as he walked by him and kept walking in thedirection of Kmart-Mart. Laborde said Vega was "incredibly" nice tohim. He worked two jobs and was described by family as a goodprovider and hardworking. He's had some problems, but he was a"good kid," they said. Vega had dropped out of the contest lastyear because of a family emergency. Just before he walked away fromthe truck this year, he had been in the contest a right at 48hours. Contest officials declined to comment immediately, but saidthe contest would be discontinued out of respect for the family.All signs of the contest, including a large tent, and a contestanttally board, were quickly removed from the dealership's lot andremaining contestants were asked not to talk to reporters. This wasthe contest's 13th year. It drew international fame after afilmmaker from East Texas documented the 1995 version in a filmreleased in 1997. Since then, the contest has been copied andmodified around the world. The contest requires competitors to keepat least one hand on a pickup truck as long as possible with fewbreaks. It generally has lasted several days. The last personstanding wins the truck and other prizes. Regina Clifton of GulfStates Toyota's regional office in Houston said the Hands on aHardbody tragedy likely will be considered when the car dealerdetermines the future of its Tacoma-Thon. Patterson Nissan and JanMaynard helped North Texas Toyota Dealers develop Tacoma-Thon,their own version of the local endurance competition. The Toyotaevent, which featured a Toyota Tacoma truck as the top prize, washeld in April at the Dallas Auto Show. "We've started reviewing thesuccess of the program, but we won't have a decision until thefourth quarter of the year," she said. Clifton said she did nothear about the tragedy until Thursday afternoon. The Longviewincident probably will be discussed during the Tacoma-Thon reviewprocess, but she couldn't predict how it would affect the decision.Tacoma-Thon rules were a little different. Competition startedWednesday and ended at 8 p.m. Sunday, whether there's only onecontestant left or not. If there was more than one contestant stillstanding at the end of the competition, each one would draw from acontainer. The one whose key started the truck got to drive ithome. Close reaction Mike Maris, a Hands on a Hard Body judge, saidVega seemed "very normal" and that he was suspected that he wouldbe in the top five or the top two or three. "He handled himselfvery well. He was very calm," he said. "The calmer ones ... are notdistressed mentally or physically. They are the ones who go thefarthest." Maris said after long hours in the contest, "it startsplaying on your mind after days of it. After 50 hours, it reallybecomes a mind game." He's seen people become confused and notrealize where they are. Contestants have told him they starthallucinating, he said. On a few occasions, he's seen contestantsbecome angry, but that's very rare, said Maris, a Channel 7advertising representative. He's even seen contestants taunt oneanother. But he's "never seen anyone get violent," he said. GingerNimmons, also a judge, was scheduled to start her shift at 8 p.m.Friday. Judges watch to make sure contestants are keeping theirhands on the truck "Typically ... you don't normally start gettingthe serious hallucinations until a little bit later, especiallysomebody so young and in good shape," Nimmons said. One womanwhispered that Hard Body officials must have suspected that afterVega crash the store's window, he could possibly be a danger tohimself or others. "I saw him go in the store and it wasn't longafter that they told everyone ot come inside," Laborde said. BuddyKennedy, a Hard Body crew person, said he went to the bathroom andwhen he came out, Hard Body officials were telling contestants tocome inside the dealership for safety. "They were telling everybodyto come back in for safety reasons," he said. "It's sad, sad.Something like this puts a black eye on it," Kennedy said. Maynardsaid "within minutes" of when Vega walked off, officials hadeveryone gather inside the dealership. He eyes swelled with tearsand she wiped her face as she struggled to respond.

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