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GUARDIAN - Inspect all of your favorite weapons and armor, view item stats and perks, and move your equipment between your characters and the vault. Retrieve lost items from the Postmaster without heading to the Tower! View your Triumphs, Collections, Stat Trackers, and Game History.
Released as part of the FAB MELANIN JEWELS Diva Collection, this black woman art print can be downloaded and printed for your diverse crafting fun. It features a stylish, headwrapped melanin queen in a lace mini dress and is a half body illustration. Glue to a canvas and decorate, design a wreath, or make a greeting card for a friend. You can also add this diva to your handmade products to sell : mugs, tumblers, notebooks, t-shirts, cake toppers, greeting cards - the ideas are endless! This listing includes 1 PNG file (transparent background), 1 JPG file, and 3 PDF file sizes for easy printing. These are INSTANT DOWNLOAD files. You will NOT receive a physical item. Print at home or at your local print shop.
The object detection and object orientation estimation benchmark consists of 7481 training images and 7518 test images, comprising a total of 80.256 labeled objects. All images are color and saved as png. For evaluation, we compute precision-recall curves for object detection and orientation-similarity-recall curves for joint object detection and orientation estimation. In the latter case not only the object 2D bounding box has to be located correctly, but also the orientation estimate in bird's eye view is evaluated. To rank the methods we compute average precision and average orientation similiarity. We require that all methods use the same parameter set for all test pairs. Our development kit provides details about the data format as well as MATLAB / C++ utility functions for reading and writing the label files.
Functions such as getSubtypeMap and getClinicalNames provide informationon data inside a MultiAssayExperiment object downloaded fromcuratedTCGAData. sampleTables and TCGAsplitAssays supportuseful operations on these MultiAssayExperiment objects.
Per-tumor subtypes are saved in the metadata of the colDataslot of MultiAssayExperiment objects downloaded from curatedTCGAData.These subtypes were manually curated from the supplemental tables of allprimary TCGA publications:
This section gives an overview of the operations that can be performed ona given set of metadata obtained particularly from data-rich objects suchas those obtained from curatedTCGAData. There are several operations thatwork with microRNA, methylation, mutation, and assays that have gene symbolannotations.
We then use makeGRangesListFromExonFiles to create a GRangesList fromvectors of file paths. There are options to provide file names when file namesare too long to download (Windows OS). The nrows argument only keeps thefirst 5 rows in each of the files read in due to invalid character exon ranges. 041b061a72